A One-Bedroom Becomes Two in a “Traditional Glam” Manhattan Rental — House Tour

Name: Chelsey Brown and roommate
Location: Manhattan
Size: 750 square feet
Years lived in: 1.5 years, renting

Chelsey is a fiery go-getter who lives in a small Manhattan apartment with a roommate. No bunk beds are needed here, though; Chelsey transformed this one-bedroom apartment into a two-bedroom home by having temporary faux walls built! An editor by day (for the Dr. Oz Show) and an interior designer by night, this New Yorker does it all. No really — she also got out her toolkit and tightened up some of my camera gear that got knocked around on the subway.


from http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/house-tour-a-traditional-glam-manhattan-home-245233
from waaaay over here —> A One-Bedroom Becomes Two in a “Traditional Glam” Manhattan Rental — House Tour
from https://jovialsoulinfluencer.tumblr.com/post/162173933350

Author: Sofia Consola

Hello I'm Sofey and I absolutely love decorating and design. Many of my friends have been telling me for years to start a blog. So I did :) I love to review products so I started a review blog about sofas and console tables where I review them both. If you get a chance hope on over to my website and take a look. You might just find an awesome piece of furniture for your place.